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Mashco Piro en aislamiento en las proximidades de la comunidad de Monte Salvado en Madre de Dios, Perú. Créditos: FENAMAD 2017.

Communication and Isolated People

Information about the communication guidelines to talk about Indigenous Peoples in Isolation or Natural State.

The guidelines presented below have been developed based on the work effort developed by the Amazon Conservation Team and the GTI PIACI communication team.

Use of images

Mashco Piro en aislamiento en las  proximidades de la  comunidad de Monte Salvado, Madre De Dios, Perú. Crédito: FENAMAD, 2014

The images that illustrate the communication products about Isolated People must comply with the communication guidelines set forth.

The photographs of PIACI, product of monitoring activities and of the defense work carried out by the communities and organizations that work for their defense, should under no circumstances be decontextualized or used for sensational purposes.

Therefore, all the photographs that are presented on this website have the credits of the people and organizations that captured them.

Criteria for Communicating about Isolated Peoples

Recognition of vulnerabilities

The indigenous peoples are not vulnerable, they are subject to conditions of extreme vulnerability to threats and contact.

No sensationalism

Clear and objective language should be used and avoiding decontextualized adjectives or pseudonyms reinforce sensationalism.

Biocultural approach

Communication must be framed within the codependency between the territory and the guarantee of the human rights of the PIACI, and of their culture.

Self-determination and the principle of no contact

All communication must strengthen the rights of self-determination and non-contact. As well as informing and raising awareness about the consequences of its violation.

Investigative approach and action without harm

It is necessary to carry out a responsible exercise of investigation, verification of the sources of information to avoid rumors or harmful actions.

Guarantee no contact



Communication should be a strategy for the protection of the rights of PIACs.

Avoid harmful imaginary

It is important to avoid falling into common places or emitting ambiguous messages that lead the public to promote imaginations that romanticize the PIACI.

Key Content Points

Informing, Communicating, and Disseminating the Legal Framework Protecting PIACI

This legal framework provides support and legal reasoning for processes aiming to protect these indigenous peoples.

Communicating and Raising Awareness about the Vulnerability of PIACI

Isolated peoples should never be portrayed as fixed populations of the past or as representatives of previous stages of "civilization," nor should they be objects of pity from the public. On the contrary, they are courageous peoples who have resisted for centuries through isolation against a colonizing society that has impacted the rights of indigenous peoples and the ecological integrity of the forests.

Communicating with a Biocultural Approach

Making visible the relationship between guaranteeing the human rights of PIACI and the conservation of their territory is crucial. Isolated peoples play a vital role in conservation, both biologically and culturally.

Highlighting and Disseminating the Processes of Indigenous Communities Bordering PIACI Territories

Adjacent indigenous communities work for the conservation of the territory and advocate for political actions to protect ecosystems and PIACI. Therefore, it is essential to disseminate their processes and actions.

Informing and Raising Awareness about the Existence of PIACI

Given the imminent threats these peoples face due to environmental degradation, it is essential to inform and raise awareness about their existence and the importance of conserving their territory to ensure their survival.

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